Sunday, December 9, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Another busy month here at Denver History Tours. Let us reflect on holidays past by enjoying a few pics from Denver's more recent history.

So much detail in this picture of Sixteenth Street just up from Glenarm Place. This picture is circa 1969.

If you look closely, you can see the Fontius sign still on the building at the left. This picture is circa 1966. The vintage Fontius sign was recently removed although its ghost image is still visible on the building. It is being renovated. The Cottrell's sign is still in place today on the building on the right, but the fashionable men's clothing store is long gone.

Decorating Denver's City and County Building for Christmas has always been in fashion. This photo dates from 1940.

Thanks for reading this year. Have a great winter season. I'll be back in January 2008!

All black and white historic photos are from the Denver Public Library's Western History Collection.